Welcome to TamzeedRahman

Welcome to TamzeedRahman

This is TamzeedRahman website created by Tamzeed Rahman. TamzeedRahman falls in SOCIAL NETWORKS line of business. You can visit us offline at our office located at : tajpur, Sylhet, Sylhet District, Bangladesh - 311 You can contact us by phone - **********0388 or email us on r***************@g*****.com or use the Contact Form. This is your...
Tamzeed's creation's

Tamzeed's creation's

How to Motivate Yourself: 3 Simple Tricks 1. Create a Positive Environment Music can be as powerful a motivator as motivational quotes.  Each morning when you wake up, play a few pump up songs before you start your day to get you going. You can listen to productivity music on Spotify to help you get going. By getting your mind in the right mindset, you can inch closer to motivating yourself.  When I want to get in the zone, I listen to “Time” by Hans Zimmer, which has no lyrics but has an inte...
self motivate

self motivate

How to Motivate Yourself: 3 Simple Tricks 1. Create a Positive Environment Music can be as powerful a motivator as motivational quotes.  Each morning when you wake up, play a few pump up songs before you start your day to get you going. You can listen to productivity music on Spotify to help you get going. By getting your mind in the right mindset, you can inch closer to motivating yourself.  When I want to get in the zone, I listen to “Time” by Hans Zimmer, which has no lyrics but has an inte...

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